Phobias are probably one of the top issues I deal with in my practice. There are many kinds of phobias that different people suffer from. Phobias of needles and flying are two that are very common.
Probably the number one phobia that I work with people to overcome is a phobia of public speaking. Public speaking phobia doesn’t necessarily refer only to struggling when speaking in front of crowds of people. It can occur with situations that we face every day with groups of people or our friends. Or it can be something that you routinely face at work when you have to talk during a meeting or give a speech. See my article How Hypnotherapy Can Help You Succeed at Work for more about this.
A person can find themselves in all kinds of situations that could result in being called upon to have to speak up in public. And hypnotherapy has a wonderful success rate for all of those things as well as all different kinds of phobias. I also work with a lot of people who have a fear of flying that prevents them from living life the way that they would like to. Whatever the phobia, we can work with it.
I want to share a story with you about a client who had an extreme fear of needles. He is a bright, professional, middle-aged man. He has an autoimmune disease and has to get his blood drawn pretty regularly several times a year.
He was so afraid of needles that he would have to have the nurses and nurses aides come hold him down. I know some of you reading right now can identify with this person and know what this feels like. He experienced this for years and it was really scary for him. After dealing with this for a long time, he came in to see if hypnosis could help.
After one session, just one session, he went back for some routine blood work and his doctor was shocked when he said, “You know, don’t send the nurses today. I think I’m fine.” The doctor even said, “Are you sure? Because, you know, we do this dance every time I see you.” And he insisted, “Actually, no, I feel pretty good.” The person came in to get blood from him and he watched it, completely relaxed. The doctor was so shocked and she said, “OK, what did you do? What have you done?” He said, “Well, I want to see this hypnotherapist.” Now he can get blood drawn without any problem. It’s uneventful. It’s no big deal.
Phobias are actually one of the easiest things to address with hypnotherapy. So if there is something that’s creating a lot of anxiety in your life and you would like to get over it, please reach out. I can help. Feel free to comment below with any questions or text or call me. I look forward to working with you to help you live the life you want to live, unhindered by phobias.